Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Indie Parade and branching out into brooches

I got a message on Etsy from Indie Parade informing me that they featured the lady in lace dress. Lovely!

I started working on some brooch designs yesterday. To be honest, I've been stuck in something of a creative rut lately - finding it difficult to work up the motivation to make more garments. The change was great. It was my first time making them, but I'm really happy with how they turned out. I used second-hand yarn, scrap fabrics (those tiny tiny clothing leftovers that I didn't know what to do with) and other random things I found in my 'making things' box that I haven't opened in years. The brooches are small abstract combinations of colours and textures. They will be up on Etsy and Madeit shortly. As soon as I've finished a few more and taken pictures, I'll post them here for a giveaway! Watch this space.

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